Harp screens are mainly used to screen difficult-to-screen materials, such as wet and abrasive materials. The harp sieve’s construction site is such that the conducting bigger wires are clamped and connected at a certain considerable distance by a reverse bond, ensuring that, in addition to screening machine vibrations, the screen produces its resonant frequency, which prevents the screen meshes from sticking and clogging.
Harp screens are screens to classify materials with high humidity and low flowability. Depending on their joint, the wire’s unique shape provides a full effect of self-cleaning and a demanding feed. The self-oscillation of the screen wires eliminates screening with results in a better way.
Harp screens are mainly available with tensioning folds, which are required for the screen’s proper operation. Wire or polyurethane braids are included with the screens, extending their life and increasing efficiency. When ordering harp nets, we recommend selecting a mesh size 10% lower than the mesh size of a wire screen with rectangular meshes.
Details about horizontally crimped
The horizontal crimped wires, which are arranged and connected side by side in such a way that they form a square mesh shape, are the primary feature of this screen. They screen dry and wet, difficult-to-screen materials with a round, cubic, flat, or needle grain form.
- Without abounding the fineness of the screening, a natural alternative for square mesh screens is available.
- Suitable for all types of grains
- Even with flat and needle-shaped grains, the corrugation of the wires allows for relatively precise screening.
Harp screen with a wide open area and marvelous permeability for wet and difficult-to-screen materials surrounded with round or cubic grain form. Flat and needle-shaped materials are not suggested. It comprises vertically crimped wires intertwined at a set spacing to form a rectangular mesh.
- High permeability and efficiency
- It is suitable for screening items that are difficult to screen.
- It is not advised for screening needles and flat grain materials.
Straight and horizontally crimped wires
Harp screens are designed to screen large quantities of material. It comprises triangular mesh made up of longitudinally horizontally corrugated and straight wires. The tensioning force is taken over by the consecutive cables, while the corrugated wires vibrate and self-clean. This screen design enables the screening of an enormous amount of material. Besides, the unusual wire bonding has a comparatively high screening point and decent performance.
- Suitable for large quantities of material that can be screened with this machine.
- Over-stressing is not possible due to the screen’s construction.
- Ideal for all types of grains’.
Detail about straight wires and string screens
A permeable harp screen is designed to screen clay and other difficult-to-screen materials with a round or cubic grain form. It comprises straight longitudinal wires linked by polyurethane at specific intervals. Its distinguishing features are the vast open area and good performance of this screen architecture.
- Clay materials can be screened with this machine.
- Open space and high performance
- It is suggested not to use Materials with needles and flat grains.
These are some of the brief points on harp screens that can help you understand. We hope you got all the valuable information in this blog regarding the product of harp screens providing screens hooks for mounting all types of screens and sorters.